Teaching “Sustainable Engineering”
Short course offered to help develop and teach a semester course on Sustainable Engineering
Instructors: Krishna R. Reddy, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; Claudio Cameselle, University of Vigo, Spain; Jeff Adams, ENGEO, Inc., San Ramon, CA, USA; Girish Kumar, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA; Jyoti Chetri, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
This short course was taught at the 2nd International Conference on Environmental Geotechnologies, Recycled Waste Materials, and Sustainable Engineering held at the University of Illinois at Chicago during June 16-20, 2019. Course Purpose: There has been growing urgency of incorporating sustainability in engineering curricula. The concept of sustainability is most commonly and broadly interpreted at global, national, regional and city scales. There have been limited efforts on addressing sustainability in engineering design projects. Recently, the instructors wrote a textbook with the same title of this short course to aid the instructors to teach a course on sustainable engineering or incorporate the concepts of sustainability in existing courses. This short course highlights the current challenges in incorporating sustainability in curricula, presents the content of the new textbook, and offers guidance on selecting topics, preparing syllabus, and teaching a course on sustainable engineering in vivid engineering disciplines.
Please e-mail Prof. Krishna Reddy at kreddy@uic.edu if you have any comments or questions. Thanks.